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What is the Iceland model?

The Iceland model is an environmental approach in which parenting, parental supervision and organised leisure time activities, together with increased normative pressure (curfew hours and encouragement of joint family dinners) play a central role in reducing alcohol and drug consumption among young people.

What is the Icelandic prevention model?

The Icelandic Prevention Model (IPM) is a collaborative upstream model that was designed to influence risk and protective factors related to substance use within the community, school, peer and family contexts. By engaging whole communities, the IPM has been found to be effective in reducing youth substance use behaviours across Iceland.

What is Iceland known for?

The country's cultural heritage includes traditional Icelandic cuisine, Icelandic literature, and medieval sagas. Iceland has the smallest population of any NATO member and is the only one with no standing army, with a lightly armed coast guard.

How does the alcohol model work in Iceland?

The whole model operates on an advantageous background of a) a strong national alcohol policy in Iceland and b) overall strong social norms and cohesion in this society, which in turn facilitate implementing curfew hours and promoting changes in parental behaviour.

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